코드를 분석 하자.
* new moused
* $Id$
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
__FBSDID("Happy Cakes!");
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
/* sysmouse stuff */
#include <sys/mouse.h>
#include <sys/consio.h>
#include "moused.h"
static int verbose = 0;
static void logmsg(int log_pri, int errnum, const char *fmt, ...);
static int moused(int argc, char **argv);
/* Load a module into memory (dlopen, etc) */
static void loadmodule(char *path);
/* Modules will call this function when the mouse moves/changes */
static int update(mouse_info_t *delta);
/* Filter the input somehow? */
static void filter(mouse_info_t *delta, int noop);
static void packethandler_main();
void dumpstate(mouse_info_t *delta);
#define debug(level, fmt, args...) do { \
if (level <= verbose) \
warnx(fmt, ##args); \
} while (0)
#define MOUSED_OPTIONS "d:m:f:"
static rodent_t rodent = {
.device = NULL,
.modulename = NULL,
.configfile = "/etc/moused.conf",
.cfd = -1,
.mfd = -1,
.update = update, /* Modules call moused's update(...) to talk to sysmouse */
.logmsg = logmsg, /* Modules call moused's logmsg(...) log stuff */
.init = NULL,
.probe = NULL,
.run = NULL,
.handler = NULL,
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int c;
while (-1 != (c = getopt(argc, argv, MOUSED_OPTIONS))) {
switch (c) {
case 'd':
rodent.device = optarg; break;
case 'm':
rodent.modulename = optarg; break;
case 'f':
rodent.configfile = optarg; break;
argc -= optind;
argv += optind;
if (NULL == rodent.device)
rodent.device = "/dev/psm0";
moused(argc, argv);
return 0;
int moused(int argc, char **argv) {
struct mouse_info mouse;
if (-1 == (rodent.cfd = open("/dev/consolectl", O_RDWR, 0))) {
logfatal(1, "Unable to open /dev/consolectl");
if (NULL != rodent.modulename) {
char path[256];
snprintf(path, 256, "modules/%s/libmoused_%s.so",
rodent.modulename, rodent.modulename);
printf("Path: %s\n", path);
if (NULL != rodent.init) {
/* Reset getopt stuffs (do it in case init() likes to use getopt) */
optreset = 1;
optind = 0;
rodent.init(&rodent, argc, argv);
if (NULL == rodent.probe)
logfatal(1, "Module '%s' has no PROBE function?!", rodent.modulename);
/* Check if this module is the right module for this mouse device */
if (rodent.probe(&rodent) == MODULE_PROBE_SUCCESS) {
/* Try the RUN method first */
//if (NULL != rodent.run)
/* else */ if (NULL != rodent.handler)
logfatal(1, "Module '%s' has no RUN function?!", rodent.modulename);
/* If we _EVER_ get here, something hs wrong */
warnx("Arrived at unexpected location (RUN or PACKETHANDLER method died?)");
} else {
warnx("No module selected.");
static void logmsg(int log_pri, int errnum, const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
char buf[256];
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
if (errnum) {
strlcat(buf, ": ", sizeof(buf));
strlcat(buf, strerror(errnum), sizeof(buf));
/* Syslog if we're in the background? */
warnx("%s", buf);
static void loadmodule(char *path) {
void *handle;
if (NULL == (handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_LAZY))) {
logfatal(1, "Unable open module '%s'.", rodent.modulename);
rodent.init = dlsym(handle, "init");
rodent.probe = dlsym(handle, "probe");
rodent.run = dlsym(handle, "run");
rodent.handler = dlsym(handle, "handler");
rodent.handler_init = dlsym(handle, "handler_init");
static int update(mouse_info_t *delta) {
mouse_info_t mydelta;
/* Store state and copy delta into mydelta if this isn't a no-op */
if (NULL != delta) {
memcpy(&mydelta, delta, sizeof(mouse_info_t));
memcpy(&(rodent.state), delta, sizeof(mouse_info_t));
else {
memset(&mydelta, 0, sizeof(mouse_info_t));
filter(&mydelta, (NULL == delta) ? 1 : 0);
return ioctl(rodent.cfd, CONS_MOUSECTL, &mydelta);
static int state = 0;
static int distance = 0;
#define NORMAL 0
#define SCROLLING 1
* This is all the code a filter should have to be
* How should this be implemented?
static void filter(mouse_info_t *delta, int noop) {
if (noop == 1) {
if (state == SCROLLREADY) {
memcpy(delta, &(rodent.state), sizeof(mouse_info_t));
} else {
if (delta->u.data.buttons & (1<<1)) {
if (state == SCROLLTIMEOUT)
/* Middle mouse is held */
if (delta->u.data.x != 0 || delta->u.data.y != 0) {
if (state == SCROLLREADY)
state = SCROLLING;
distance += delta->u.data.y;
#define THRESHOLD 3
if (distance > THRESHOLD) {
delta->u.data.z = 1;
distance = 0;
} else if (distance < -THRESHOLD) {
delta->u.data.z = -1;
distance = 0;
/* Do not move! */
delta->u.data.x = delta->u.data.y = 0;
/* Don't click middle */
delta->u.data.buttons &= ~(1<<1);
} else {
* We were ready to scroll, but the user let go of middle-mouse
* Fire mouse-down myself (in here), the mouse up will happen on it's
* own in update()
if (SCROLLREADY == state) {
/* Send middle-mouse-down */
delta->u.data.buttons |= (1<<1);
ioctl(rodent.cfd, CONS_MOUSECTL, delta);
delta->u.data.buttons &= ~(1<<1);
state = NORMAL;
static void packethandler_main() {
fd_set fds;
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 100000; /* 20mec */
if (NULL != rodent.handler_init)
if (rodent.mfd == -1) {
rodent.mfd = open(rodent.device, O_RDWR);
if (rodent.mfd == -1)
logfatal(1, "Failed trying to open '%s'", rodent.device);
FD_SET(rodent.mfd, &fds);
for (;;) {
int c;
c = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
if (c < 0)
logfatal(1, "Error with select call");
else if (c > 0)
rodent.update(NULL); /* TIMEOUT HAPPENED */
FD_SET(rodent.mfd, &fds);
void dumpstate(mouse_info_t *delta) {
warnx("(%d,%d) z:%d b:%08x", delta->u.data.x, delta->u.data.y,
delta->u.data.z, delta->u.data.buttons);